Here's a random piece of trivia: For every hour an F-16 spends in the air, it needs about 17 hours of maintenance on the ground.
Weird fact to start with, right?
But here's why it matters to your e-commerce brand: Running a nine-figure business follows pretty much the same rule.
For every hour you spend on the exciting stuff - launching products, creating viral ads, watching sales roll in - you need to spend way more time on the boring maintenance work nobody posts about on LinkedIn.
Everyone wants to move fast and break things until they actually break something expensive.

I'm in a weird spot where I get to see both sides of this.
I run ads, so I know the thrill of scaling up campaigns and watching revenue climb.
But I'm also a fractional CFO, which means I see what happens behind the scenes when brands try to skip their maintenance checks.
Think of what follows as your pre-flight checklist.
We're going to walk through seven unsexy-but-critical problems you need to solve if you want your brand to hit nine figures without falling apart mid-flight.
No growth hacks, no shortcuts - just the boring stuff that actually works.
And yeah, this might be the least exciting article you'll read today about scaling your business.
But it might also be the one that saves it.
1. First Maintenance Check: Diminishing Ad Returns
Remember when you first started running ads?
Life was simple. You'd throw some money at Facebook, watch your ROAS hover comfortably above 2x, and feel like you had this whole e-commerce thing figured out.
Yeah, that's about to change.
The Problem with Scaling Ad Spend
Here's what nobody tells you in those "How I Built a 7-Figure Brand" YouTube videos:
The more you scale your ad spend, the harder it gets to maintain healthy ROAS.
It's like trying to fill a swimming pool with a fire hose - sure, you're moving more water, but a lot of it's splashing everywhere.
At small scale, you can get away with rough math. At nine figures, rough math becomes rough waters.
Why This Gets Dangerous
When you're spending $1,000 a day on ads, being off by 10% in your calculations means you're out $100.
Annoying, but not fatal.
When you're spending $100,000 a day? Now we're talking about being off by $10,000. Daily.

That's the kind of math mistake that sinks ships.
The Hidden Costs Nobody Talks About
And it's not just about the ad spend itself.
Want to run six figures a month in ads? Cool. You'll need:
- A constant pipeline of fresh creative
- Multiple content creators on retainer
- Video editors
- Creative strategists
- Products constantly shipping to creators
- Someone to manage all of the above
All these costs? They're like the maintenance crew for your F-16.
Skip them, and eventually, your ads are going to stop flying.
The Boring (But Essential) Solution
At smaller scales, you can eyeball it. "As long as I'm above 1.8x ROAS, I'm good."
But when you're pushing serious volume with razor-thin margins for error, that kind of loose math is like flying blind.
You need to know your exact break-even ROAS, down to the decimal point. That means having:
- Precise inventory costing
- Clear understanding of variable costs
- Accurate tracking of all those "hidden" creative costs
- Real-time visibility into your numbers
2. Second Maintenance Check: The Paid Traffic Trap
In the early days of your brand, you're probably running pretty lean.
If you started with dropshipping, you basically had zero fixed costs.
Ad account gets shut down?
Sucks, but you're not bleeding money - you're just not making any.
But here's where scaling gets tricky.
The Infrastructure Problem
As you get more serious, you start building an infrastructure that's a lot less flexible:
- You hire people
- You pay for software
- You start paying rent
- You've got inventory sitting in warehouses
These are your fixed costs - the ones you have to pay each month whether you make money or not.
The problem isn't just that paid traffic can fail. It's that it tends to fail exactly when you can least afford it to.
Why This Gets Dangerous at Scale
If you run ads, you already know how paid traffic can face-plant out of nowhere:
- Algorithm changes
- Election season ad costs
- Random account bans
- iOS updates
- Whatever new crisis hits the ad platforms
But now you've got all these fixed costs to cover.

And if you don't know your cost structure, you don't know the minimum margin you need to generate just to keep the lights on.
The Boring (But Essential) Solution
You need to know two numbers:
- Your minimum required margin to cover fixed costs
- What percentage of your revenue comes from paid traffic
Put these together, and you'll know exactly how exposed you are to a traffic catastrophe.
The more fixed costs you have and the less cash you've got in the bank, the more important it becomes not to let one Facebook ad account ban take down your whole business.
3. Third Maintenance Check: Financial Hygiene Goes to Hell
When you're small, keeping track of money is pretty straightforward.
You can do the math in your head:
"Yeah, we did about $10K in revenue, $2K in product cost, $3K in ad spend, paid that contractor $1K, the agency $1.5K... so we probably made about $2K."
But as you scale? That's when things get messy.
The Memory Problem
Your working memory can't handle the volume anymore. You start running into stuff like:
- Random software subscriptions you forgot you had
- Team members managing expenses you don't fully understand
- Numbers in your P&L that look familiar but you can't quite place
The bigger you get, the easier it is to lose track of a thousand dollars here and there.
Do that enough times, and suddenly you're losing track of hundreds of thousands.
Why This Gets Dangerous
Three things happen as you scale:
- There's way more stuff to keep track of
- A lot of it becomes unfamiliar to you
- You get more lenient about small expenses (that aren't so small anymore)
When you're small, you scrutinize every $20 expense.
When you're doing millions in revenue, you stop sweating the small stuff. But here's the thing - it all adds up to a lot of fat in the company.
The Boring (But Essential) Solution
You need:
- A dedicated person responsible for understanding every expense
- A process for approving new expenses
- Regular reviews of existing expenses
- A solid budgeting process
- Financial infrastructure that can handle the complexity
It's not sexy, but neither is realizing you're bleeding money through a thousand tiny cuts.
4. Fourth Maintenance Check: The Capital Allocation Mess
Look, here's the thing about scaling - you're going to need to diversify.
Not just your marketing channels, but your entire sales approach. And each channel hits its own ceiling eventually.
Why It's Not That Simple
Here's what people don't tell you: Making $40K from just Shopify is way easier than making $10K each from Shopify, Amazon, eBay, and wholesale.
Think about Amazon alone.
You can't just list your products and hope for the best.
You need to set up your account properly, create optimized listings, get all the product photography done, have someone manage inventory, deal with support issues... it's essentially running a whole separate business.
Everyone wants to be omnichannel until they realize each channel is basically running a whole new business.
The Resource Reality
And retail? That's a whole other game.
You'll be working with distributors, flying to pitch meetings, waiting months for first orders, managing broker relationships.
It's not just about having the money to invest - it's about having the patience and resources to wait it out.
Why This Gets Dangerous
You need to know how profitable your existing channels actually are and how much money you can afford to invest in new ones.
But more importantly, you need to know how long you can wait for new channels to become profitable.
The Boring (But Essential) Solution
You need to be able to forecast your cash flow effectively.
Not just for next month, but for long enough to know how long you can invest in a new channel before it needs to start paying for itself.
Without this clarity, you're basically throwing darts in the dark with your company's future on the line.
5. Fifth Maintenance Check: The Channel Chaos
When you go omnichannel, you're basically running multiple businesses under one roof. And each one plays by completely different rules.
The Reality of Different Playbooks
Selling on Shopify versus selling in retail isn't just a different channel - it's a different universe.
On Shopify, you can run lean, plug in some ad dollars, and see revenue tomorrow.
Retail? You're placing massive orders, shipping product all over the place, and twiddling your thumbs for 60 days before seeing a dime.
Amazon takes 15% plus FBA fees, wholesale wants lower prices, and Shopify needs ad spend. Same product, completely different math.

Where Things Get Messy
I've seen wholesale strategies that were actually losing brands money, but nobody realized it because they were too focused on top-line revenue.
When you're doing well overall, it's easy to miss that one of your channels is quietly bleeding you dry.
The Boring (But Essential) Solution
You need to analyze each channel as its own business. That means tracking:
- Channel-specific sales
- True cost of goods for each channel
- All associated expenses
- Real profitability numbers
Not just revenue - actual, honest-to-god profitability. Because growing unprofitably is just failing slowly.
6. Sixth Maintenance Check: The Admin Avalanche
Early days are simple. It's just you and the essential people who directly make you money.
Maybe someone running ads, another person handling retention - everyone's clearly tied to revenue.
Then you scale, and everything changes.
The Support Staff Reality
Suddenly you need people who don't directly generate revenue.
Customer support, product development, operations, finance, even HR.
These people are valuable - crucial even - but try putting their ROI in a spreadsheet.
Nobody wants to think about HR until they have 30 people and realize nobody's been tracking PTO for the past year.
The Hidden Cost Problem
It gets tricky when you're trying to figure out where these costs actually belong.
Say you've got your Amazon channel running with an outsourced team, but your DTC and wholesale operations have in-house staff.
Should your HR person's salary be split between DTC and wholesale? Should Amazon chip in?
These aren't sexy questions, but they're the kind that keep CFOs up at night.
The Boring (But Essential) Solution
You need a clear system for tracking and allocating these admin expenses.
Not just to know what you're spending, but to understand what each channel actually costs to run.
Because sometimes what looks profitable on the surface is only profitable because you're not counting all the costs.
And when you're pushing nine figures, "not counting" isn't really an option anymore.
7. Seventh Maintenance Check: The Inventory Nightmare
Remember when inventory was simple? You had a few products, one warehouse, and you could basically track everything in your head?
Those days are gone.
The Scaling Problem
Scaling revenue usually means two things: more of each item and more items in your catalog.
And it's not just linear growth - the complexity multiplies.
Think of it like trying to juggle.
Three balls? Manageable. Thirty balls? That's a different sport entirely.
I once worked with a billion-dollar fashion company that was brought to its knees because their inventory system was held together with duct tape and prayers.
Where It Gets Messy
You've got inventory spread across multiple locations - one warehouse for DTC, another for Amazon, multiple spots for wholesale.
Then there's the bundling complexity. You're selling singles on your website, six-packs on Amazon, and twelve-packs to retailers.
Try keeping track of how many twelve-packs you've broken down into singles, and how many potential singles you could have if you broke down all your multi-packs.

It's enough to make your head spin.
The Boring (But Essential) Solution
This is one of those problems that's way easier to solve before it becomes a problem.
Because once your inventory system is a mess, cleaning it up is like trying to organize a tornado.
You need solid inventory management systems and processes in place before you scale, not after. Because by then, it's usually too late.
The Bottom Line
Look, I know this isn't the sexy "10X Your Revenue with This One Weird Trick" content you probably came looking for.
And yeah, a lot of this probably sounds overwhelming. It should - because it is.
The reason nine-figure brands are rare isn't because the strategies are secret. It's because most people won't do the boring work required to get there.
The Reality Check
You don't have to tackle all of this at once.
And you definitely don't have to wait until you're at eight figures to start thinking about it.
Actually, having good financial fundamentals early on is exactly what lets you scale smartly instead of just scaling fast.
That's why companies like ours exist.
We focus on these problems so you can focus on growing your brand.
You handle the exciting stuff - the products, the marketing, the vision. We'll handle the boring-but-essential maintenance that keeps your business in the air.
What's Next?
If you're looking for somewhere to start, check out our video on five inventory management tips.
It's a good primer on one of these challenges that's better to solve sooner rather than later.
Remember: An F-16 needs 17 hours of maintenance for every hour of flight. Your business isn't any different.
And if you're ready to get serious about your financial infrastructure, we should talk. Because the best time to fix these problems is before they become problems.
Thanks for reading through all this boring stuff. Your future self will thank you for it.